Village Life

Our Village is a very small village and contains about 100 people at least. We have one absolute King in our village which lives in the castle with all the higher ranked people in society.  Our village has many rules and regulations that the peasants need to follow. Since there is feudalism in our society, the higher ranked people own peasants that work out on the fields and do physical work. Peasants have to grow food and give a certain amount to the government and they have to pay taxes to the them as well. In return the government lets the peasants farm a couple of acres for themselves and also provides them with protection from invaders by letting them into the castle grounds.

Our village has a great focus on the church which is located in the center of the village. In the church people go to pray and listen to the priest preach about God and how to live your life according to the teachings. Round the village there are many shops and markets as well; there is a blacksmith, tailor, a doctor and other markets. But mainly the peasants don’t have the money to buy from these stores.

Peasants live mainly out in the farms in small houses where they fit a whole family and manage them with the food that they grow. The village is a very orginized village that runs on its own government and isn’t runned by other main governments.

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